“When I found out I was pregnant, I wanted to surprise Eric in a fun way. He is a big music lover, and his favorite musician is Tom Petty. So, I purchased a Tom Petty onesie, wrapped it up, and had him open it one night. His first reaction was “are you serious?” Eric was definitely in a state of shock that quickly grew into excitement as the night wore on. We continued the celebration this year by taking our little man in utero to Red Rocks for his first concert.”
“The baby’s gender was placed in an envelope that we opened together. My first reaction was happiness and then the thought of “what am I going to do with a boy?” Eric was excited and immediately started to plan all of the fun things he could do with his new son.”
“Our family is a mixed family with Eric having older brother Gray 12 years ago. Gray is excited to be an older brother and watches Cade with a careful eye. It’s wonderful to see the two of them bonding already.”
“The best part of pregnancy was all of the little flutters and kicks I felt as our little guy got larger. He was an active baby and loved to let me know when he was awake. Also, the baby got the hiccups everyday which was a neat sensation.
“From dad’s perspective, the best part of the pregnancy was watching my belly grow and observing all of the wonderful changes happening to my body in preparation of Cade‘s birth. It was crazy to see how fast the little man grew and how mama grew too.”
“We were so excited to meet our little man, and it is hard to pick just one thing we were most excited about. One of the more important aspects of our life is the love of travel and outdoors. I can’t wait to take Cade on our adventures across the world and see his excitement as he sees things for the first time.”
“Honestly, we had no idea what to expect when Cade came into this world. Mama is blonde hair and brown eyed with a strong heritage centered in Western Europe. Daddy has prominent features, dark blonde hair, and blue eyes. His heritage goes across the board with German, Italian, and Portuguese roots. The moment we saw Cade with his bright blonde hair, blue eyes, and sweet little elf ears, it was true love.”
“It was all very surreal, in just one moment I became a mom and my world changed forever. It was probably one of the best feelings of my entire life to see this little person and feel a new kind of love.
For dad, when he first saw Cade, it was a moment filled with tremendous joy and the realization that he was a large baby. He was taken aback that this little guy was not so little, checking in at 8 lbs. 12 oz. at birth.”
“For me, it’s my first baby and everyday is a fun new challenge. I can’t wait to get up every day to see how my baby is changing, growing, and learning. It’s what I expected, but even better.
“For Eric, it’s his second baby, twelve years later. He definitely feels different, but in a good way. Cade has brought a whole new element of joy to our family and has made it more complete.
“The first few days were exhilarating but exhausting. Being new parents, taking care of a newborn was a fun new experience and also one with little sleep. We were up all night in the hospital with a fussy baby on the second day, and there was a moment of “oh no” thinking we were in over our heads. Luckily, we have gotten into a pattern and found our new best friend in Google to help us navigate the challenges and questions we have as it pertains to our little guy.